Wichita Adore is the premier source for Beautiful Eucharistic Adoration photos.



Our professional liturgical photographers have both the skill and subtlety to capture the intimacy held within Eucharistic Adoration.

St. Thomas Aquinas

COVID-19 Live Stream Adoration

St. John the Evangelist

El Dorada, KS - Lenten Adoration

Blessed Sacrament

Wichita, KS - Parish Mission Adoration

St. Mary’s

Newton, KS - All School Adoration

St. Anthony

Strong City, KS - Adoration

Kapaun Mt. Carmel High School

Wichita, KS - All School Adoration

Newman University

COVID-19 Live Stream Adoration

St. Mary’s

Derby, KS - PSR Adoration

St. Catherine of Siena

Wichita, KS - Adoration

Sacred Heart

Ark City, KS - PSR Class Adoration

March for Life Rally and Mass

Topeka, KS - Topeka Performing Arts Center

Catholic Schools Week, 2020

Wichita, KS

St. Jude

COVID-19 Live Stream Adoration

J - High

Williamsburg, KS - Junior High Youth Rally

St. Patrick

Wichita, KS - PSR Adoration

St. Cecilia

Haysville, KS - Confirmandi Adoration

St Mary's Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

Wichita, KS - Christmas Adoration


Macon, Georgia - Diocesan Youth Conference