Our professional liturgical photographers have both the skill and subtlety to capture the intimacy held within Eucharistic Adoration.
St. Thomas Aquinas
COVID-19 Live Stream Adoration
St. John the Evangelist
El Dorada, KS - Lenten Adoration
Blessed Sacrament
Wichita, KS - Parish Mission Adoration
St. Mary’s
Newton, KS - All School Adoration
St. Anthony
Strong City, KS - Adoration
Kapaun Mt. Carmel High School
Wichita, KS - All School Adoration
Newman University
Derby, KS - PSR Adoration
St. Catherine of Siena
Wichita, KS - Adoration
Sacred Heart
Ark City, KS - PSR Class Adoration
March for Life Rally and Mass
Topeka, KS - Topeka Performing Arts Center
Catholic Schools Week, 2020
Wichita, KS
St. Jude
J - High
Williamsburg, KS - Junior High Youth Rally
St. Patrick
Wichita, KS - PSR Adoration
St. Cecilia
Haysville, KS - Confirmandi Adoration
St Mary's Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception
Wichita, KS - Christmas Adoration
Macon, Georgia - Diocesan Youth Conference