Join Wichita Adore Ministries for Eucharistic Adoration and Coffee!
Wichita Adore is proud to help the diocese of Wichita host an Adoration event for College Age and Young Adults as they return home from school or just get ready for Christ's coming!
This is a perfect opportunity to dive a little bit deeper and allow Christ to reach out into our hearts. May we seek Him in this Advent Season and allow ourselves to be open to His coming at Christmas!
Adoration will commence at 7pm, with a coffee bar to follow at 8:30pm.
This is a free event for all ages, and all peoples of all faiths are welcome. Please note that this event is intended for College Age/Young Adult, but we will certainly welcome anyone who wishes to pray with us! We do ask all for their reverence for Our Lord, truly present in the Eucharist.