Join Wichita Adore Ministries and Trinity Catholic High School for the 5th Annual Score for the Lord Eucharistic Adoration event!
It's once again football season and we are once again pumped to help Trinity Catholic High School to put on Eucharistic Adoration on the football field after their home football game on Friday, October 5th!
The home varsity game starts at 7 p.m., and Adoration will take place shortly after the game ends on the South end zone. This is truly an incredible witness to God's love and mission for our lives, and a beautiful night to spend with Him under Friday Night Lights.
Feel free to bring lawn chairs and the like for the event - do note, you may need to leave them in the car until after the game has finished!
This is a free event for all ages, although the football game will have an admission cost. If you'd like to attend just Adoration, we'd suggest arriving at the stadium around 8:45 p.m. and tell the gate you're there to pray!